IMHCL/NPCI Circular for Non-FASTag vehicles Team • August 20, 2024 | 5 min read • 191 views



IHMCL’s Stricter Measures for Non-FASTag Vehicles Entering FASTag Lanes


"Users carrying Fastags freehand and entering fastag lanes without fastags properly affixed on the windshield will have to pay double the standard Fee amount as a penalty!"


As a significant move to ensure the seamless operation of toll plazas, and avoid delays in the operations, the Indian Highways Management Company Limited (IHMCL) has issued a new circular mandating that vehicles entering FASTag lanes without properly affixed FASTags on the front windshield will be charged twice the applicable fee. This policy is aimed to deter non-compliance and enhance the efficiency of toll collection on national highways.


Key points of the circular:

  • Double Fee Penalty: Vehicles without properly affixed FASTags will be fined twice the standard fee for the respective vehicle category passing the lane.
  • Blacklist: Any vehicle with Fastags not affixed to the vehicle according to the standard procedure cannot carry out ETC transactions on any toll plaza and can be duly blacklisted.
  • Mandatory Affixation: FASTags must be affixed on the inside of the front windshield, ensuring they are easily readable by electronic toll collection systems.
  • Enforcement Responsibility: Toll plaza operators and concessionaires are tasked with enforcing this policy and collecting the penalty amount from the users.




Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) To Be Followed: 

  • It is ensured that NH fee rules are displayed on all toll plazas, informing the drivers about the definition of Fastag and the penalties of entering into a Fastag lane, without a Fastag.
  • CCTV footage with a clear vehicle number (VHN) should be stored whenever a double fee is collected.
  • Blacklisting of all non-affixed fastags.


Acts and Notifications referenced For the Circular:


  • National Highways Fees (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008 amended through Gazette Notification G.S.R. 831(E) dated November 21, 2014, defines the fastags as an onboard unit (transponder), or any such device fitted on the front windscreen of the vehicle. 
  • And the same notification includes the cause that if the vehicle without the ‘Fastag’ or valid and functional ‘Fastag’ enters the Fastaf lane, the user of the vehicle will have to pay twice the standard fee amount applicable to the category of the respective vehicle (National Highways Fees Rules, 2008, Gazetted Notification G.S.R. 298).
  • To deter the practice of improper affixation of fastags, IHMCL/ETC/Operation2019/1066 issued that any vehicle with fastags affixed not according to the standard procedure, cannot carry out ETC transactions on any toll plaza and can be duly blacklisted. 


Is It A Positive Change?


From the workflow perspective, it smoothens the entire process for the toll plaza operatives to carry out their functions without any hurdles or delays as they don’t have to manually scan the fastags, causing needless delays and making other vehicle users wait in the queue which can potentially cause traffic congestion.

Enforcing the users to follow the standard procedure not only saves time for the operatives but also saves time for other user vehicles ensuring the streamlined operation of toll plazas and also preventing long queues of vehicles in the lanes and possible traffic overcrowding situations.


IMHCL intends to discourage the lack of adherence to the standard procedures and enforcing double the fee as a penalty will actively prevent the users from not following the procedure and will push them to avoid the penalties, saving money.


Expected Impact On Users


Ever since NHAI made ‘fastags’ compulsory in 2021, the toll collection process has always demanded stricter moderation to ensure the users followed the standard procedures of using the ‘fastags’ and affixing them properly on their cars. Such practices not only make things difficult for the operatives but also for the users who are not following the procedure, as it indirectly leads to them spending more time than required in the fastag. So, the bolder step of imposing double the standard fee is poised to have an effect on the users.




It is necessary for users to adhere to the standard procedures for the operatives to work freely and ensure to maintain the flow of operations in a toll plaza and also for other users, who don’t have to waste time.


In summary, this new circular from IHMCL marks a significant step towards enforcing compliance with FASTag regulations, ensuring that the transition to electronic toll collection is smooth and beneficial for all stakeholders involved and also no disruptions in the process and no displeasure for the users.

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